Unlock the Potential With i-Class

Discover the Comprehensive Benefits of a Modern Educational Management System

Benefits For Management

i-Class is a robust online Class management software that offers multiple strategic benefits for your school.

Manage multiple campuses efficiently with a single software solution, minimizing investment in management challenges.

Fully automate all operations to maximize resource efficiency.

Clear and effective communication among teachers, parents, management, and students.

A comprehensive solution for overseeing academic, administrative, and business processes.

Immediate access to the information needed for decision-making.

Benefits For The Administrators

i-Class streamlines operations, automates tasks, and provides detailed reports, freeing up more time for students and improving parent-teacher interaction.

Achieve full automation of all operations to enable a paperless solution.

Enhanced stakeholder satisfaction by generating reports swiftly in response to their demands.

Comprehensive solution for managing staff-related operations and information.

Authenticated profile dependent access to data.

User-friendly interface which require minimal IT skills.

Benefit For Teachers

i-Class is designed to efficiently manage and oversee the operations of all Class departments.

Availability of more time for students.

Total automation of all processes to facilitate a paperless solution.

Manage class information and analytical reports.

Manage online exams, assignment, attendance, class work etc.

Monitoring the comprehensive history of a student's performance.

Enhanced Quality of Interaction Between Parents and Teachers.

Easy access time table in detail.

Benefit For Parents

Utilizing the i-Class application enhances direct communication with the school, allowing parents to access essential information anytime and from anywhere.

Active participation in Class activities.

Get detail Class events and holidays calendar.

Frequent real-time updates on child attendance, progress, and fee payments.

Tracking of child assignment.

Timely updates for Notices, gallery,exam shedules,emergency circulars.

Benefit For Students

With the i-Class, we offer a simple and user-friendly way to access the most accurate and up-to-date information in real time.

Enhanced interaction with teachers and adminstraction.

Online submission of homework, assignments, and projects.

Information regarding Class calendar, announcements, news.

Check attendance, timetable, grades, exam timetable.

Freedom to publish reviews and opinions, and to engage in douts discussion.