
Enquiry & Follow-Up

Enquiry & Follow-Up System


I-Class helps to handle enquiries and leads. It assists you grow your business by tracking their information, joining status and managing follow-ups.

This Module is associated with Enquiry and its closure activity.

All tasks right from generation of new enquiry till its closure is tracked. All stakeholders get notified of any new enquiry registered under this portal and number of follow-ups done till it gets duly registered.

An enquiry report will be generated for listed along with history of such requests such as person assigned, follow-ups, tracker for listed courses and update.

  • Register New Enquiry
  • Enquiry Listing & Search
  • Enquiry Follow-up and Track Conversation
  • Send Email or SMS to Inquired Student
  • Manage Next Follow-up Schedule (Next Follow-up Date)
  • Move Enquiry for Registration (No need to refill all details during registration, basic details will be taken from enquiry)
  • Multiple Search Features – Quick Search and Advanced Search
  • Move Enquiry for Registration and assign a Batch/Course
  • Export Enquiry to Excel, CSV Format
  • Manage Enquiry Status
  • Enquiry – Edit, Delete, Quick View, Full View
  • Enquiry History Log

Frequently Asked Questions

We also provide the choice to send text messages to the audience for specific inquiry types.
Once the enquiry is created, user can be assigned from “Assign” tab.
Admin can transfer the enquiry to admission. When the admission is confirmed we provide an option to add student as an user in system.
Select the date range of the data required. Clicking on the "Export" button lets you save the information as an Excel sheet.
The admin can decide how much to charge for inquiry forms using the settings panel. Payment report of all the forms sold can be retrieved from “Payment report” tab.
Yes, when the admin opens the module, the Follow-up tab lights up, reminding them about all the follow-ups scheduled for today.